Saturday, June 16, 2012

Let the good times roll!

Stephanie arrives from CO for  few days to visit Grandma Ellen along with her cousins and to help celebrate Cooper's 2nd birthday, a 'construction crew' themed party (hence the construction work shirts).

Hamming it up!
Cooper managed to annihilate his personal ice cream cake with the help of Grandma Tracy.

Just like old times. Nick is thrilled with Glynn's new mower. Cooper - not so much.

Cooper and Emmerson tolerated each other.
Harvey, always the hit of the party!

The cousins met in Olympia  to spend some time with Grandma Ellen. She is delighted with her great granddaughter, Emmerson.

Sweet Abby wants some attention, too!


  1. What wonderful memories! I love the picture of Ellen on the swing!

  2. What a day! happy birthday Cooper!
