Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Birthday, Sophie!

Not a pretty picture, I know. It's Susan's 'banquet for the birds'! I've arranged my spent sunflowers such that the seeds are readily available for the birds. Thus far, the only guest I've noticed feasting is the raucous, annoying blue jay that hangs around my bird feeders like a schoolyard bully. He's beautiful to behold but his social skills are sadly lacking...

Yesterday, we headed north for Sophie's sixth birthday party. I find myself observing Sophie with a sense of both awe and sadness. She is gregariously outgoing and fearless in ways that add a panicked beat to my heart. (In her short life she has already visited the ER twice; once for stitches and once for a broken arm.) She's all about 'snips and snails and puppy dog tails' yet manages to retain a feminine sweetness and sensitivity. Her energy and enthusiasm refuse boundaries.

Unfortunately, our culture dampens this youthful enthusiasm with commands of 'hush - not so loud', 'don't talk to strangers', 'girls don't spit' and 'boys don't cry'. Our sparkling, pure essence becomes clouded and confused with expectations and soon we forget who we really are; magnificent souls rooted in the divine.

I observed over a dozen young children yesterday. (Whew, Kim! There must have close to 30 people in your small space yet no one knew it. You can do Thanksgiving after all!!!) They were all radiantly 'in-the-now' in their being-ness with no apology. Some were soaked to their skivvy's, dripping with rain from playing on the swing set on the wet, yet warm fall day. It was refreshing and inspiring, so much so that I feel the urge to dance naked in the rain. Good thing we have no neighbors!


  1. I'll pass on Thanksgiving, thank you very much!

  2. is that a store bought cake? DID I MISS OUT ON A STORE BOUGHT CAKE?
