Thursday, March 25, 2010

Queen for a day!

It seems the older we become, the less we care about our birthday. There comes a point in one's life when adding another year begins to 'matter' and we would rather not bring attention to it!

The truth is, one's birthday is the one day out of the year when one can truly be 'queen (or king) for a day'. It's the one day when I feel no guilt for not planning or cooking dinner nor for allowing others to do for me what I usually do for them.

When a few of us girls decided to have a let's-celebrate-Jonny's-birthday-by-taking-her-out-dinner, I quickly assembled this birthday crown which she proudly (or generously ?!) wore all evening long.

Happy Birthday, Jonny!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Birthday book for Deb

Lately I've been in the crafting mood and spend many an evening in my craft corner putting together a new

My most recent project was constructing a book to give my sister, Debbie, for her birthday.

What I love about these books is that I can tweak them to fit a personality.

People ask me where I find the materials and ephemera for these projects.

First of all, ephemera is:' paper items (as posters, broadsides, and tickets) that were originally meant to be discarded after use but have since become collectibles'. It is pronounced e-fem-ora.

Crafts stores like Joanne's Fabrics and Michaels are a good start for basic paper and stickers. Independent paper/scrapping stores have more original items. I use the internet to order individual collage sheets and use my naked, human eyeball to find images in magazines & newspapers.

I love serendipity and get very happy when I discover a 'find' at Goodwill or at a garage sale. Those are the best!

Quotes are everywhere as is the written word.

Put it all together and you get an original creation!