Friday, April 13, 2012

Change the world

When Karry's daughter left home for college, Karry did what most mothers do. She deep cleaned Courtney's room. After moving a dresser away from a wall, she found two quotes drawn on the wall. My canvas showcases one of these quotes.

Each generation looks at the world and its sad state of affairs and mutters, 'We are going straight to hell-in-a-handbasket', forgetting that a new generation will arise, ready, able, and eager to take on the heavy issues before them. When I remind myself of this, a calmness settles my frenzied mind and I can breathe a sigh of relief.


  1. Oh Susan, this is a wonderful post. Your art is delicious.

  2. My fraught, crazed soul melted like the Wicked Witch at the site of your picture. Yes, we can....figure it out! Lovely!
