Monday, April 30, 2012

Spring is here!

We Pacific Northwesterners slough through rain and snow through dark, gray winter months anticipating Spring on a daily basis. Spring arrives bringing warmer temperatures, more rain and color to our color deprived eyes! The above photo showcases the Spring green of my yard. (Are those oval objects suspended in space orbs or raindrops on my camera lens? insert Twilight Zone music here)

Kim and I, needing a girl's-day-out, headed to Portland for a shopping date. At Cargo, an interesting Asian import store in the Pearl District, I found Kim attempting to change her persona.

My mom has become an expert book binder. She sent me this little gem, full of beautiful pages, waiting to be filled with prose or art or treasures of some kind. It rests near my easy chair where daily I caress its pages and feast upon its radiant colors.

This canvas will be mailed today, a belated birthday gift for my sister.

Last, keeping my fingers crossed, I think we've solved the pecked egg dilemma. Glynn made a little entry door into the chicken coop with the idea that it would prohibit marauding birds from destroying my hen's eggs. So far, so good.


  1. I love your mom's books! Beautiful! Nice to see the green growing stuff too! Hurrah! Spring!

  2. I look forward to sitting on your deck next month; drinking coffee in the morning and enjoying the green, green view!
