Friday, August 3, 2012

A dose of inspiration


My disciplined self overcame my procrastinating self this morning as I mustered enough of an "I-can-do-it" attitude to get me out the door and on my way to exercise at Curves. (In my next life I'll be that person who LOVES to exercise.) 

Thankfully, I received a HUGE dose of inspiration when I met Lois and Irene, two chipper, older ladies who showed up to exercise in their polyester pants and comfortable walking shoes. While chatting with them I learned that they have both been members of Curves for years and have exercised there over 1,100 times! But what surprised me even more was their age. They are 85 years old. Honest and truly, I would have guessed that each was in her 70's.

While exclaiming about their 'youthful' appearance, Lois attributed her spry condition to regular exercise vs. intense workouts. "I know that if I hadn't been consistent in moving my body for these past years, I'd be moving slowly and taking little old lady steps. It's not that we set the world on fire when we are here, it's that we come regularly." 

Wow.  Thank you for that, Lois. In the 3+ months I've been attending Curves, I've lost 4 lbs and 11 inches.  (My inclination is to poo-poo a mere 4 pound weight loss until I envision 4 lbs of butter or lift a 5 lb bag of flour....) The intangible results of regular exercise are better sleep, happier moods, and a body that moves more freely.
So, on those days when the will to exercise remains under the covers, I will remember Nike's motto, 'Just do it', and make my body move. It's my insurance policy for being strong and chipper when I'm an old lady.

(P.S. For a kick-in-the-butt reason to begin a regular exercise routine, read Younger Next Year. )


  1. that picture is hilarious!!! Yeah, we all need that inspiration!

  2. I love it, Susan. Today I ran my "first" triathlon. In a tri, everyone's age is painted on the left calf. Chills of inspiration ran through my body every time I saw a 62 or a 73 or a 59 or a 77. Still swimming, running AND biking. You, them, books.....inspired and beyond today! Thank you.

  3. A 4lb weight loss is nothing to pish posh! I'm impressed at your dedication.
