Thursday, February 17, 2011


Glynn had to make a quick visit to our doctor for a re-fill of his blood pressure meds which he has taken for years. As she reviewed his chart, our doctor commented incredulously, 'You are 55 years old and only take one medication?!' Glynn expected to see her begin rubbing her hands together in glee as drug names such as Lipitor, Viagra and Fosamax flashed across her visual cortex. (She attempted to raise his regime by one drug.)

The above comic caught my eye because there is much truth in it. I sat in a seminar recently during which the presenter showed an article on her power point presentation that outlined 12 incredible breakthroughs in cancer treatment in 2008. Every one of the breakthroughs involved a pharmaceutical drug. Nowhere in the article was there a suggestion of diet or lifestyle change for the prevention of and/or treatment of cancer.

Please know that I do appreciate the life saving value of pharmaceutical drugs. My gripe is the industry wide attempt to convince the general public that popping a pill is a healthy, easy alternative compared to the hard work of changing one's poor dietary and lifestyle habits.

I'm not naive enough to believe that eating a combination of tomato and cucumber will keep the cancer cells from multiplying. But it's sure a good start.

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