Saturday, February 26, 2011

Week 7: gratitude

I'm grateful for a snow blade for Glynn's Bobcat.

Any accumulation of snow creates challenges at the facility. As little as one inch stops the electronic gate in its track. Snow slides off our metal roofs creating havoc in the aisle-ways.

When we received 26" over the Christmas holiday in 2008, Glynn spent 62 hours on his Bobcat, determined to keep the facility open. It was a cold, tiring & discouraging time.

Vowing to never go through that again, he purchased a snow plow attachment.

We received 5" of snow this week and I'm happy to report that less-stressed Glynn plowed the facility in less than 8 hours!

(When visiting the kids in Colorado last year, we were amused to see this golf cart, equipped for snow removal. )

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