Monday, February 14, 2011


Every once in awhile, I get a thrift store itch. An organized Goodwill or Value Village will not satisfy. I want unorganized chaos where one's hands get dirty...

I headed out to Shelton and found 3 such stores. And I scored! I'm on an ephemera collecting binge and was happy to dig and find some treasures.

I bought this 1958 appetizer cookbook for the people art, not the recipes.

Who would eat this? Proscuitto with melon.

Or this unnamed alien fodder???

When I arrived home, a box of ephemera was awaiting me, generously sent by Kathleen. She and I are similarly caught up in an obsessive state of creative bliss.


  1. Wow! I can't wait to see what you make with all that! I bought a cute old cookbook with old fashioned illustrations today too - all red white and black. I wonder what stores you went to in Shelton...that's just down the road for me!

  2. I'm with Steph, that popped out and made me smile. What a jackpot! Funnessville....
