Friday, July 15, 2011

OCD or simply organized?

We have three bathrooms in our home. While the kids were still residing at home, my biggest challenge was in keeping the bathrooms adequately supplied with toilet paper.

In my younger years, we did not buy in bulk. Nor did Costco exist back then. (Cover mouth with hand & emit a soft gasp.) When we ran out of something, mom simply added it to her grocery list and, come grocery day, that particular item would be available to use.

One day dear husband Glynn became exasperated when finding a stack of napkins on the bathroom counter. The toilet paper dispenser was empty once again. (doomsday music inserted here.) He declared from that day forward he would be taking over the responsibility of supplying our home with adequate toilet paper. That was over 10 years ago and, I must concede, we have never lacked for toilet paper since that time.

His distribution and supply talent has morphed into other areas of our home as well. I noticed these boxes of dishwasher detergent on our garage shelf last week. I have 2 bottles of liquid detergent awaiting use under the kitchen sink, as well.

Glynn is quite adept at quoting this ditty:

'Prior planning prevents poor progress'.

His organizational skills extend into his bathroom, too. Why stop with one extra bar of soap when one can have 4 or 5?

Thanks to him, we'll have clean hineys, clothes & dishes for months to come.

I love this man who generously shares his bottomless supply of affection as well...


  1. I am impressed! Nothing says love like a generous supply of tp!

  2. I didn't know about this side of my bro-in-law! The numerous boxes of dish detergent do have me a bit worried tho.....!
