Tuesday, February 7, 2012

back to the 'ol routine

After two, rock-my-world weekends away from home, I'm happy to once again engage in routine tasks that ground me; waking up slowly while sitting in my easy chair by the fire, gaining control over the contents of my 'in' box at work, and puttering outside while noticing tiny buds of daffodils peeking through the dirt.

My three BFF's and I met at Laurie's beautiful home in Meadow Vista, CA for our annual girl's retreat.

Our retreats have morphed from talking all day and continuing into the wee hours of the morning (1995 - Elizabeth, CO) to a less frenzied, doable pace that enables us 'mature' women to get our beauty sleep at night. 30 years of friendship are precious and I absolutely treasure these women.

How beautiful is this avocado omelet eaten in a quaint restaurant in Auburn, CA?

I was home for less than two days before heading to Bend, OR for a 3 day class on essential oils. Beautiful weather, high energy, enthusiastic friends and therapeutic grade, aromatic mind and health altering essential oils made for a happy weekend. I came home with new found knowledge & enthusiasm to incorporate more of these oils into my daily life.

I'm itching to get back into my studio. I bought some grundged book covers from friend Kathleen's shop to utilize in a new art journal.

Kathleen and I share a common love - finding & repurposing items in our art. She is the ultimate junker and is now selling her finds via a couple of online shops. Find one of her shops, The Paperista, here.

One last thing, perhaps the most exciting: I'm going to be a grandma again!


  1. Thanks for the memories, the inspiration, and the mention. Lucky you for #2...

  2. Congratulations! When is the little one due?

    Oh, and I LOVE your grungy book covers. hmmm trying to figure out how to do that to some of mine...

    Lovely trips, wonderful memories, nice to see you back in blogland.
