Monday, January 23, 2012

The calm after AND before the storm

We awoke to a sky awash with pink this morning. After eight bleak, colorless days, these eyes were hungry for color. Alas, after a beautiful, sunny day, torrential rains begin tomorrow. On the plus side, perhaps the rain will help eliminate our vast piles of snow.

When one has no power, all thoughts of 'class' are non existent. Yes, this garbage can is sitting near the wood stove in my family room. Melting snow provided water so we could flush!

The snow wasn't melting quickly enough indoors so Glynn set up a burner outside. Once the pot of snow melted & boiled, I dumped it into the garbage can moved from the family room onto the back porch. A full pot of packed snow yielded about 1/2 pot of water. It was a S L O W process, believe me.
Notice the posts holding up the trunk/branches on the willow tree? I'm happy to report that this tree survived the ice storm!

I had ample time to create during the daylight hours.


  1. First thing I do when there is threat of a storm and power outages is -fill up the bathtub!- Love your art, especially the "life whispers" page. beautiful!

  2. Susan, you are refining the process and the results are stunning. The Green and White one and the last one are amazing. iLove your work. iLove your style. :) I want to touch them and hold them. :)
