Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dear tooth fairy....

I came across these 3 letters to the tooth fairy, written by Stephanie & Nick years ago!

The above two are written by Nick. Notice the P.S.:  "Do not wake me up"! 

The tooth was in this envelope along with the small note (above).  The blue wings on the back of the figure must mean this is the tooth fairy!

Thrifty Stephanie has a decorating idea for the tooth fairy. Use a less than perfect tooth (cavity) in the dungeon!

Like most mothers, I have saved handmade cards, notes, pictures, and special school assignments. They tugged at my heart years ago.  They continue tugging today......


  1. That is adorable! I love to run across stuff like that! In fact, I keep it randomly spread around the house so I do run across it at random moments!

  2. I love these!!! The dungeon idea is classic, and I love the one from Nick that says his sister lost the tooth in the bathroom! HAHAHA
