Saturday, July 24, 2010

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

I caught Otis, sleeping along the back of the couch, catching some early morning rays.....

My bee balm (monarda) has grown to unprecedented heights this summer - at least 4' tall.  I like this photo of a bee balm flower, foreground, with apples in the background.

I hit a few garage sales today.  An 'over 55' mobile home park had a community wide sale and I was entertained by many of the older folks who told the story behind each item I bought!

I struck the mother lode with this container full of collage sheets & miscellaneous ephemera for $1.50!  (Judy: there is enough for both of us!  Collage sheets will be coming your way...)

I was very excited to find this vintage, vinyl Barbie traveling case for $5, circa 1962.  It isn't in mint condition but it will work perfectly to house my original 1962 Barbie and 1964 Skipper along with a few pieces of their wardrobes.  Once I arrived home from junking, I spent some time on the web looking for the value of the case.  It must be hard to come by because, although I located a picture of it on a collector's web page, I did not find one for sale. 

I had reason to locate my Barbie dolls.  Skipper, now 46 years old, has thinning hair. She was dressed in this swimsuit when I received her. I think it's cute! She's waving 'hello' to you!

Here is my original Barbie.  Unfortunately, I do not have the outfit she wore when new.  Also, as happens to many dolls, although her head stays on, her neck is slit. It doesn't seem to matter, as she never loses her calm and retains her cool pose!

Going through my Barbie clothes I came across some outfits my mother made for my Barbie doll.  Tiny collars, small seams, little snaps.  I certainly do not have that kind of patience.  Thanks, Mom!


  1. Oh, I am so excited to be a recipient of vintage ephemera!!! Thank you. I think I had skipper too! She looks so familiar! I haven't been to any garage sales this year, but maybe I should branch out! What fun! And your photo of Otis! beautiful!

  2. wow - i am jealous of all your garage sale finds... what treasures!
