Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I've been trying to stay away from coffee but, there's something about a snowy morning that translates into Must.Drink.Coffee. I'm on my 2nd mug.

Glynn plowed until after 8 pm last night. I think he'd welcome a root canal over the snow that clogs our facility & wrecks havoc with our gate. I was doing a good job monitoring the chain yesterday until we had one of those heavy snow showers. As a tenant was leaving, the gate alarm blared & he rushed into the office, concern plastered across his face, wondering what he had done to elicit such an annoying sound. (He did nothing. The snow accumulates on the chain & freezes. The ice then causes the chain to 'stick' in the motor mechanism.) He hovered nearby while I swept the gate track & gently brushed the snow off the chain. I wish all tenants were so solicitous.

I love the pictures of my young nieces frolicking in the snow. The joy in their eyes says it all. When it snows like this, I wish I were younger again when snow equaled absolute delight. As adults, the challenges presented by a heavy snow diminish the excitement of the event.

Otis has an extreme aversion to the snow. He poops on the stoop right outside the laundry room door rather than venturing out into the yard. What he doesn't realize is that he could perform covert operations when snow accumulates because his coat camouflages well with the landscape. My hens have not left their coop since Saturday. By the looks of it, their chicken legs and feet have no insulation. They are smart to hunker down in their nests in the straw.

We are to get a humdinger of a storm tomorrow. They are calling it Snowmageddon. I have our 'power outage' box standing by and should the power go out, I'll enjoy a snow day at home.

1 comment:

  1. Well I think Glynn is going to have a bad day tomorrow. Or maybe they'll be wrong and it will suddenly turn South and go snow on Las Vegas!
