Webster needs to add another definition to the word 'fuss'. Yes, babies fuss and people fuss at one another....
But my form of fussing doesn't annoy anyone and it gives me great pleasure.
My fussing amounts to taking care of details. Perhaps it's rearranging books on a book case or deadheading flowers or mucking out a closet. It usually involves restoring order to chaos. (Freud would likely have a diagnosis here....)
At any rate, my ordinary day felt quite extraordinary after I finished fussing.
While fussing in my garden, I discovered a HUGE zucchini. I know I planted pumpkins and squash but I don't remember planting zucchini! We had sliced, breaded zucchini along with fresh scallops for dinner.
While fussing, I took a picture of these lovely double hollyhocks in my garden. All my hollyhocks grew over 10' tall this summer. Perhaps our cooler than normal spring and summer contributed to this feat?
This is a space marker at the privately owned campground adjacent to our home that Otis and I stroll through daily. This one marker always stands out with its furry head.
Indeed, I am blessed to have an extraordinarily ordinary life.
Yes, a lovely day! Your swiss chard is beautiful! I made a swiss chard fritatta once and it was very good. I have various forms of chard and kale languishing in my fridge now; last choice when it comes to a dinner vegetable! I'm looking forward to a day of "fussing" today too.