Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sweet pleasure

When I listen to a haunting violin concerto, my heart hurts. Not to worry - it's a good hurt, if there is such a thing.

When I stumbled across this picture on the web (artist unknown), I felt the same sensation, coupled with a tiny cartwheel in my gut.

I'm thinking this young girl is experiencing the same response as she reads words that touch her very essence - her soul.

I count myself as one of the lucky ones because I feel things strongly. Not everyone does. (Or, perhaps distractions deaden their awareness.) Music, nature, quietness, epiphanies, colors, cause me to emote. Lightheartedness, tears, melancholy, and/or laughter result.

And, it's all good.


  1. But some days I wonder how I can carry so much around that cuts to the heart. It overwhelms. Some days I need distance in order to function.

    And I don't show it much, so more emotive folks think I don't feel it. Meyers-Briggs labels me "thinker," as opposed to "feeler." It was rich to finally have someone say it: "That doesn't mean that thinkers don't feel. They just don't let feelings alone control their responses. They act according to principles and values, rather than feelings."

    As I age, I find that I am more of a mix. For better or for worse, feelings sometimes overrule everything else. Whether I let it show or not.


  2. Emote away. Wonderful picture, Susan. We know....
