Tuesday, April 19, 2011

old box addiction

Along with loving old paper, I love old boxes.

A few years ago, I decided my house was too cluttered. I put my old box collection away in storage where I promptly forgot about it until today. While searching for some elusive paperwork in my storage unit, imagine my delight when I came across my box of boxes! I'm obviously OK with clutter because the old boxes are once again on display - this time in my studio.

Our final 'she art' project is to create a scene with a modern day image of ourselves. Although I don't wear butterflies in my hair, this depicts me.

Waiting until circumstances are just right to pursue my perfect life is no longer an option. These words appropriately express my heart.....

I learned tons from Christy Tomlinson's on-line She Art course. She is offering an on-line art journal class next month. I've already signed up!