Monday, April 18, 2011

Sisters weekend

This is the second year that my sister Kim (and her girls) headed to Redmond, OR to say with my other sister, Debbie. Debbie's daughter, Jenny, surprised us on Friday night by crashing the party. Good thing Mel was gone - it was a testosterone free zone!

We lounge, laugh, eat, and shop. Here we are at a coffee shop having tried lavender lattes - a delectable treat!

Sophie, catching up on current events.

I made a gift bag out of waxed paper, ribbon & misc ephemera for Deb's birthday present. I think she liked the bag better than the contents!

Women (and sisters) need each other. We'll repeat our trip next year....


  1. Twas a fun weekend... already looking forward to next time!

  2. I love that bag too! How clever! I think I could make one...hmmm. There is nothing like a sisters getaway. My sisters and I are overdue.
