Friday, April 1, 2011

May I blame the rain for an overriding feeling of blah today?

My chiropractor was feeling the same. Like me, he's off coffee and pointed out that drinking a cup of coffee equals the equivalent of 'happiness in a cup'. (Could this be why Seattle is the java capitol of the world? Rain/gray = a daily need for a quick shot of happiness?)

Rather than sit home nursing a case of the blues, I went to Joann Fabrics. (Allow me to insert an aside here. Shouldn't the store be called "Joann's Fabrics"? It isn't and it annoys me...) I've been looking for new throw pillows to spruce up my living room and refuse to pay $35 each for ones I found at Pier I. Instead I bought enough of this fabric to make 2 pillows for $15.

Part of caring for my beloved Otis involves occasionally taking him to doggie day care. My canine happens to be very intelligent and begins whimpering & whining with excitement as he recognizes en route that we are on our way to the K-9 Clubhouse! (I need a bumper sticker that says, 'my dog is smarter than your dog.')

Here are some of his buddies. Apparently Otis was a 'love magnet' today as Ernie, the lone pooch in the upper left hand side of the picture, was using Otis as his pound puppy. The attendant eventually had to put Ernie in 'time out' as his behavior was not to be tolerated.

Baking (not cooking) helps treat the blahs. We are having guests for lunch tomorrow so I had an excuse to bake a lemon cheese pie. That's something to look forward to!


  1. I agree, today was the dreariest day ever! I like your ideas - sewing, baking, I also drink the evil coffee!!! Soon, soon the days will be warm and we'll be grilling dinner outside and seeing the bees on the spirea and this drear will all be a faded memory.

  2. hey great idea- you send me the pillows in the mail and i'll stuff them!

  3. i didn't know otis swung both ways.....!
