Wednesday, November 17, 2010

This and that

Last weekend we celebrated another birthday at Kim's house. Mom turned 41, again! These are a couple of pages of a little 'Happy Birthday' book I made for her.

Here is mom holding her great-grandson, Cooper.

Here is a head shot of Cooper! (I'd show more but then it would ruin the surprise as it is part of a Christmas present...)

The iron, mini-storage fence is quite ornate in the early fall as spiders spin their webs which glisten with early morning dew.

Yes, we sustained minor damage from Monday night's terrific windstorm. The windows you see mark our bedroom. Notice the huge fir trees standing close by? I couldn't sleep that night while listening to the wind howl through these trees. I was certain one would blow over in the storm, crashing onto the roof directly above MY side of the bed, turning me into a pancake.

I am determined to learn some new techniques to use in my paper art. Here I used gesso to mute colors, ink to distress edges and yellow polka dots made with bubble wrap.

Lastly, my completed yo-yo pillow. I began this project in 2007. I do not know why it took me 4 years to complete!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, I love all your artsy projects! Keep 'em coming; you're an inspiration! I am especially intrigued by the cupcake Cooper! hmmm I want to see the rest of that!and your yo-yo pillow! You are a woman of hidden talents!
