Sunday, January 23, 2011

I'm hibernating

This is the conversation that has been playing in my head most the day:

Voice 1: "Find something constructive to do'.
Voice 2: "I'm napping."
Voice 1: "At least fold that laundry basket full of towels."
Voice 2: "Nah - I'm reading. "
Voice 1: "It's just drizzle. Go outside and work in the yard."
Voice 2: "Nah - I'm reading."
Voice 1: "Work on your Soul Restoration projects."
Voice 2: "Nah - I'm reading."

It's 5:00 pm. The laundry remains unfolded. Weeds continue their assault in my flower beds. My artwork remains untouched. My book lays open to page 135.

I admit to times that I'm actually grateful for gray, chilly, drizzly, winter days that force a good kind of restful hibernation.

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