Saturday, January 8, 2011

You are beautiful, my friend

This time of year the focus is on self flagellation as we bemoan the shape of our bodies.

Disgusted with ourselves, we confess to too many bouts of gluttony during the holidays, the result of which is evident when we cannot zip ourselves into our favorite pair of jeans.

We begin our annual habits of deprivation and intense, uncomfortable activity all the while hating ourselves for our lack of control.

One round of negativity after another.

My question is this: When you weigh 20 lbs less, are you really going to love yourself any more than you do today?

More than likely, when you look at yourself in the mirror, 20 lbs lighter, you will still find shortcomings.

'Once I lose another 10 lbs, I'll be happy.'
'My boobs sag. I'd look great if I could get a boob lift'.
'No matter how many pounds I look, my butt is still big. I hate my body!'

And on it goes.

I am convinced that respect and loving self care are born once we learn to accept and love ourselves, today, just as we are. For when we truly love ourselves, we will no longer abuse our bodies.

So, rather than resolve to lose weight this year, I choose to wage war against the negative self talk about my own body that plays over and over again in my brain like a stuck record. I will remind myself of the magnificence of my body and its intricate workings. I will give my body the honor and respect it deserves while it houses the essence of who I am.

On this note, allow me to share this video clip:

I have a post-it pad and pen in my purse, ready to use.


  1. While in college I weighed what I consider my "perfect" weight. Today I look back on that weight and think, wow! I really wish I weighed/look like that now! But you know what, even while I weighed my "perfect" weight I still would think to myself, "I bet if I lost another 5 lbs I'd look better." So no, I didn't love myself more then than I do now. I try to tell myself I did, but I didn't.
