Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Years Day

New Years eve afternoon found Glynn and I at the movies. This is actually an epic event because Glynn isn't a movie kind of guy. In almost 30 years of marriage, we've been to 5 movies together. We counted.

Knowing he likes 'root-em, 'toot-em, 'shoot-em up westerns, I suggested we see True Grit. It was an enjoyable flick with Jeff Bridges at his best and newcomer, Hailey Steinfield, a captivating, young actress.

Afterward, we ate at the new Lemon Grass restaurant in Tumwater. It's our new favorite spot to eat.

Because we are getting old and value our sleep time, we did not stay up to welcome in the new year. Wanting to include us in their fun, various neighbors thoughtfully set off firecrackers at midnight so we could at least acknowledge the advent of a new year. Bah humbug.

Our activities were nothing compared to the wild new years eve party thrown by my sister, Kim! Alas, I wish we lived closer so we could enjoy the festivities! Each year Kim and the girls craft party hats for the party goers who include my mom and dad. Here they are with their party faces on! (Cat, Tucker, appears to be exceptionally excited...)

Today, I took down the Christmas tree and packed away the holiday frou frou placed in and around the house. Usually, a tinge of sadness envelopes me as I carefully tuck the ornaments away for another year. I didn't experience that this year, thankfully. And I know it's because the Christmas holiday was packed to the brim with satisfaction - much like the littlest of the 3 bears when he said, 'it was just right' after eating Goldilocks's porridge!

(Glynn did make popovers for breakfast which helped alleviate the pain of stripping the house of Christmas.)

Our days have been very cold: 11 F in the mornings. The plus side is glorious sunshine with nary a cloud in the sky! Otis and I bundled up and walked around Capital Lake this afternoon. I cannot remember a time when I have seen so many others walking along the lake as well. Smiles were abundant and the high energy felt wonderful.

Last, a picture of brownies baked in slotted brownie pan we see advertised on TV, a Christmas gift from my great husband. What a concept! They turned out wonderful - no hard edges nor sunken middle.

(We are going back on our healthy eating regime on Monday, in case you were wondering...)

1 comment:

  1. ooh! those brownies look delish! you should send me my pan! i'm totes craving brownies now!
