Friday, January 21, 2011

More Soul Restoration

A couple of you, my dear friends, are curious about the online course I'm taking called Soul Restoration, so I will continue to post pictures of various projects I'm involved in.

We are to continually make 'truth' cards from scores of 'truths' I've downloaded. Some speak to my heart. Others don't. The above image is one of my truth cards.

This week we are to create a timeline of our life. Images are provided if we want to use them as well as prompts & truths. I find it interesting that periods of my life which seemed especially dark and difficult & never ending actually have a beginning and an end! This project has stirred many memories and I feel an tremendous gratefulness for my precious life!

I now have a designated craft area in a room behind my office. Since January is a slow month for business, I've had lots of time to create! I made these hearts for my customers. I placed them in a bowl on the front counter with a sign that says, 'take one'. I was curious if there would be any takers and was surprised when the first heart to go was taken by male tenant in his late 20's!

It's a breezy, rainy day in the Pacific northwest. A good day to stay indoors and hibernate.


  1. I am more inspired with every post! And I love your little hearts. I might stop by...
    Thank you so much for sharing your Soul Restoration journey. I can see it is a beautiful trip.

  2. i love the idea of the basket of hearts.... very cool!
